We’ve been charged with taking care of our family’s needs. And it seems only natural then to worry a bit when we’re coming up short. And it’s in these moments that our faith is also exposed and tested. Will we hold the words of Jesus as mere platitudes, or will they be our lifeline in times of need?
For instance, he teaches us not to worry about our everyday life – whether we’ll have enough to eat and drink, or enough clothes to wear. And he goes on to remind us that God provides for the birds, even though they don’t have to plant, harvest, or store up, and clothes the flowers in the field even more beautifully than all of Solomon’s glory. In short, if God is willing to care for the needs of mere birds and wildflowers, then we ourselves have nothing to worry about.
But most days we live in luxury concerning our basic needs. Even when it’s not gourmet foods or premium brand clothes, most of us have plenty to eat and wear. As such, we might struggle to connect with Jesus’ teaching. It sounds good, but we’re not sure it’s relevant for our lives personally. And this leaves us with very little faith when we’re in seasons of true needs.
Whether it’s financially, relationally, or otherwise, we like the illusion of control, and we start to worry when we cannot control the outcomes of our life. And this becomes even more pressing when it seems we cannot give our family the life we believe they were called to live. But the words of Jesus are not mere platitudes or just for those who need the basic needs of life. His words are a lifeline for us all. Because God cares for the “least of these,” we can live by faith and have a confident hope that he will provide for us as well, however big or small our need might be.
In the end, don’t worry and live by faith. God feeds the birds and clothes the wildflowers, and he’s more than able to provide for your needs of life as well.
Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash