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Man up! Be a man! 


But rarely are we told what this looks like and we’re often left wondering if we’re man enough.


We learn what it means to be a man through the models given to us. But few of us received intentional models of masculinity. And the ones given were often shallow and harmful to ourselves and others.


This course seeks to explore meaningful images to rediscover the true soul and strength of masculinity.

Learn to

Understand the role of meaningful images in masculine development

Contemplate various images and archetypes of masculinity

Begin to integrate images into your daily life and worldview

Lessons include

The power of images

Considering the power of images to shape our lives

Our body speaks

Exploring the masterpiece of our created form

Steel and velvet

Becoming a true gentleman

Sexual polarity

Understanding the dance of the masculine and the feminine

Eternal youth & Wise elder

Embracing youthful strength and aged wisdom

Warrior, Lover, Wise Man, and King

Integrating our bodies, hearts, and minds into larger vision and purpose