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Unlocking the secrets of sexual fantasies

A window into the soul

It is often embarrassing to share our private sexual thoughts with another. Even in marriage, it’s often easier to engage in wild and adventurous sex with our spouse than to disclose our deepest sexual thoughts and fantasies.

Giving our bodies is one thing. But sharing fantasies exposes something deep within.

Fantasies generally point to hidden themes in our story. There is a reason we are drawn to particular images and not others.

However, this reason is not always as it appears on the surface.

“There is a reason we are drawn to particular images and not others.”

Symbolical and not always literal

In the field of dream interpretation it has been said that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, while at other times it’s a phallic symbol. And the statement is understood as a warning not to over analyze each element of a client’s dream or story.

Sometimes a cigar has no deeper meaning to explore; it’s just a cigar. And this is true for our sexual fantasies as well.

Fantasies might be understood exactly as they appear – desired and pursued at face value. And many other times the fantasy points to hidden desires within, and we must use care in interpreting our thoughts – viewing them more symbolically than literally.

Looking deeper

Fantasies of real people might reveal a desire for deeper connection and intimacy with the person (or the ideal they represent) rather than a literal desire for sex with them.

Likewise, masculine or feminine images might reveal a deeper need and longing for strength or beauty more than a desire for the actual bodies depicted in the fantasy.

Again, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and the fantasy points to a literal desire for a specific person or behavior that needs to be righteously addressed. Or maybe it’s just a passing thought that can be quickly dismissed. But often the fantasy is a clue into the deeper mystery of our story – revealing the hidden aspects of our souls.

Fantasies often serve better as icons to contemplate rather than concrete objects to pursue.

Together we explore:

Why you're drawn to these particular images?
What they might be telling you about yourself? Your history? Your current relationships and longings?
And what are they're revealing about your deeper desires for God?

Let's wisely discern the nature of your sexual fantasies

Open our eyes, Father. Show us when we have allowed our sexual fantasies to distort Your truth. Teach us to search for and to see the original goodness and beauty You intended for our sexuality. Give us a holy vision for our erotic imagination.

Schedule a call

Dr. Corey Carlisle

1325 Satellite Blvd., NW
Suite 1002,
Suwanee, Georgia 30024
Phone: 17709887686