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Soul care for pastors & ministry leaders

Serving those who serve others

The weight of responsibility

The human soul runs deep. But for pastors and ministry leaders, the weight of responsibility and the demands of everyday life often hinder access to those depths.

In the relentless pursuit of serving others, it’s all too easy to live disconnected from our own inner world. And this disconnection robs us of the freedom and power to love fully and impacts every aspect of our lives and ministries.

Sacred space

Serving the flock comes with many unique challenges – one being there are few places to feel comfortable and safe to talk about personal issues. I provide a sacred space where you can open up and find restoration and renewal, allowing your soul to breathe again.
This is a journey of self-discovery and development, delving beyond the surface-level tasks and responsibilities. I recognize that your work is more than just a job; it’s a calling deeply intertwined with your identity and purpose. And together we’ll explore what truly makes your soul come alive, igniting your passion and enabling you to make a meaningful impact in the world.
In addition to your work, we will also focus on the various relationships in your life. We will discern which connections bring life and vitality, and which ones drain your energy. Understanding your role in each relationship is crucial for cultivating healthy boundaries and fostering a thriving support network.

Sexuality is also an integral part of our lives. And this is an easy area for evil to gain a stronghold and take us out when we don’t care for it as we should. With great compassion and understanding, you’re free to openly explore your desires, fantasies, and concerns within the protected walls of privacy. Through this process, we can uncover what they reveal about the deep movements and desires of your heart.

Holistic approach

I believe your soul touches every facet of your existence, and I’m committed to exploring the deeper meaning and purpose it holds holistically. The goal is not to provide quick fixes or easy answers but to accompany you on the transformative journey of becoming all that God has created you to be.
Through our shared dialogue and discernment, we will identify the unique needs of your soul and forge your path forward. It’s a commitment to the long game, where the cumulative benefits over time will shape your life and ministry in remarkable ways.

Your wholehearted presence in needed

You are not alone on this journey. Together, we will navigate the challenges, overcome the obstacles, and restore your soul to its rightful place. You have been called to participate with God in His grand story, and I am here to help you fully embrace that calling. Your wholehearted presence and soul's vitality are needed to remain effective in the work God has given you to do.

Soul care gives you the inner freedom and power needed to advance God’s light and love in your personal life, ministry, and throughout the world.

Concierge Services

Ready to transform your soul and ministry?

Show others the way by also caring for the needs of your own soul

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