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Unlocking the masculine soul

Freedom. Power. Love.

A crisis in masculinity

It’s clear men need help. Any given day on the news or even just a quick glance around our families, neighborhoods, and churches reminds us of this.
And thankfully there are plenty of services focused on helping men to overcome their various addictions, managing their anger, or simply supporting them in their roles as husbands and fathers. And these are all needed and helpful to be sure.
But there are few who walk with men to better understanding their very selves.

How I can help

Many men are completely disconnected from their inner world. And while they might learn all the right things to do to maintain a stable life, unresolved soul issues are still primed to take them out.
They’ve likely already joined a number of support groups and even tried general individual and couple counseling. Overall, these are good and faithful men, and often leaders in their communities, but something is still not settled in their souls.
And this is where I come in. I help men to better understand themselves  –  listening to the deep movements of their heart and walking with them as they sort through the hidden and often secret aspects of their soul.

To discover and unveil, reveal and set free man to live in the fullness of his created glory

What it looks like

Licensed professional therapy with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul

Matt was disturbed by his sexual fantasies. He didn't want to act on them, but they filled him with shame and made it more difficult to connect sexually with his wife. In helping him to understand the nature of his fantasies Matt was freed to be more impactful in his work and discover a deeper connection with his wife sexually.

Marc always felt something was missing in his life. While he had a solid job and great family, there remained an inner discontent he was never quite sure what to do with. Together we asked questions and explored what God might be up to in his life. And this freed him to enjoy this adventure with God rather than falling into despair because of a desperate need for answers today.

Luke struggled with sexual faithfulness. And though he has experienced years of sobriety his temptations can still be pretty intense. In helping him to discover the true desires of his heart he realized his battle had little to do with his sexual nature per se. He was empowered to cultivate more goodness and beauty throughout his life and relationships.

A personal touch to growth

General insights on the masculine soul are helpful. But often a personal touch is still needed. And men are prone to eventually losing heart without someone equipped to walk with them personally in understanding their inner world. This is proactive inner work personally applied – freeing and empowering men to bring more life and goodness into the world and be a blessing to all those around.

Ready to serve

Help men become the men of soul and depth our families and communities need.

I’d be happy to consult with you or them to see if we’re a good fit.