There are countless good works to be done everywhere we turn. And we can usually make a passionate case for each of these as needed. But understanding a need does not necessitate our personal responsibility for it. In fact, we might distract ourselves from the work God has called us to do when a false guilt tempts us to take responsibility for every worthy cause that crosses our path.
Certainly, like the Good Samaritan, we have a duty to care for the neighbors in need that God has placed in our path. No special calling is necessary in these cases. But a different consideration is needed regarding the service we dedicate our lives to. The hand is rightly expected to cover a sudden wound on the body, but this is not its permanent job.
And, in this way, we might rightly name legitimate needs without being the one to assume responsibility for meeting these needs. The apostles set this example as they acknowledged the need of the local widows, but also declined to be directly involved in this ministry – keeping instead their primary commitment and calling to teach the word of God. Of course, part of this teaching included lessons on loving our neighbors. But speaking this truth didn’t burden them with taking on every good ministry.
This discernment is good for us as well. On the one hand, we might speak out concerning any number of social issues facing our community. And without turning our backs on the immediate neighbors God has placed in our path, our speaking on issues doesn’t require our personal involvement with every good cause.
To be sure, we should consider if our speaking is merely complaining, and if we best serve the situation by getting our hands dirty. At the same time, we don’t have to feel guilty for staying focused on the work God has called us to do even when there’s social pressure to dive into the latest popular issues.
In the end, don’t neglect doing the good that’s in front of you to do. But don’t feel compelled to do everything. Keep your primary focus on the work and calling God has given you.
Photo by Vanessa Garcia on Pexels