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The head sets in order the rest of the body. And indeed the body cannot live without its head. But the body also cannot flourish when we’re not right in the head. Its disorder will eventually affect the rest.

Certainly, this is true in our physical bodies, as even a simple head cold will affect how we show up, and all the more so if we suffer with a severe mental pathology. The quality of our head will affect the quality of our body and life.

But this also plays out at work and at home. Organizations rise or fall based on the leadership in place. While this is not always synonymous with official positions, leaders set the tone of an organization, community, or nation all the same. And poor leaders will bring much suffering and heartache to all those under their influence.

And our homes are no different. Our families suffer when we neglect our duty as head. We cannot expect them to flourish when we’re failing to offer our presence, blessing, and spiritual guidance. Of course, perfection is not required. But our families won’t experience the fullness of what God has for them when we’re not right as their head.

This is not to burden ourselves with false guilt as we’ve realized we’ve missed the mark, but to encourage our repentance as we seek to function in our roles as God intended. To be sure, each family member still has their part to play. But we cannot use this as an excuse to neglect ours.

In the end, God designed the body to function best when the head is in place and healthy. And all those God has given us to lead will suffer when we’re not right in the head.

Photo by Diva Plavalaguna on Pexels

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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