Life is often tackled full speed ahead – quickly moving from one task to the next. And we crash at night only to get up to do it all again. But our souls often need more time to transition.
In past generations it took time for communication to pass from one community to the next. And travel and meal preparation were also much slower activities.
Today we can keep up with news as it unfolds in real time and we can travel and eat with minimal delay.
Modern technology comes with many advantages. But it also comes with an increasing expectation of immediacy.
And with our ability to be constantly on, moments of transition are often loss. We simply jump from one thing to the next.
But there’s a reason interstates have onramps and off-ramps.We need time to transition and adjust our speed.
The same is true throughout life.
For example, we need ample time to adjust to new jobs, marriage, and the birth of children. And grief allows us to adjust to new realities after a loved one has died.
Likewise, it’s good to take even just a few moments to transition from work mode into home mode. And as “foreplay” serves as a type of transition into sex, we do well to also have some type of afterglow as we transition back into everyday life.
It’s hard for our souls to keep up when we move too quickly from one thing to the next.
And all too often we end up leaving our hearts behind as we try to keep up with the ever-increasing pace of life.
Meaningful transitions allow our souls to breathe even as we tackle the demands of life.
Whether big or small, give yourself intentional time to transition from one thing to the next.
Photo by Andrew Schultz on Unsplash