In the beginning, Adam and Eve walked intimately with God. God dwelt with his people and the world was very good – full of much joy and wonder. And then sin entered the picture and caused a break in God’s relationship with man. And this separation brought profound heartache and grief into the world. But the Word being made flesh gives us hope and opens the door for our intimate connection with God to be restored once more.
Christmastime rightly reminds us of the birth of Jesus. But much more than simply recalling the historical aspects of this story, the theological significance of Immanuel– God with us– is that we get to return to Eden.
We get to have our relationship with God restored. And like Adam and Eve before sin, we get to dwell once again in God’s presence and experience the fullness of his wonder and joy.
All the lights and decorations, gifts, and times of feasting we engage in around Christmas seem to all be reminding us to live with an eager anticipation of the Advent of Christ still to come.
This is not to get so caught up in all the frills that we miss the reason for our celebration.
But the Word becoming flesh gives us the hope and promise that all good things will once again be ours.
God will once again make his home among us and he will wipe away every tear from our eyes. We will walk in the light of his glory, enjoy the wedding feast of the Lamb, and receive the gifts of the tree of life for the healing of the nations.
In the end, bask in the joy and wonder of this season as you look forward to its ultimate fulfillment when Christ returns again.
Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash