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We are responsible for the kingdom God has given us. And this is not a duty we can defer to others. But responsibility doesn’t mean we must do everything ourselves. There is wisdom in strategic delegation. 

The president or CEO of a large company is ultimately responsible for managing the organization. But this doesn’t mean he must do every job in the company himself. Of course, it’s helpful to know every job, but it quickly becomes ineffective to try to do it all. Delegation allows him to use his gifts in the most productive way while honoring the gifts of others to help carry the mission forward as well. 

And this same principle plays out on a smaller scale in our daily lives. On the one hand, we’re responsible for our kingdom and fulfilling the calling God has given us. At the same time, our gifts allow us to excel in some areas while other areas might be a struggle. And this might become particularly glaring on the home front. 

For example, we might realize we struggle in knowing how to lead our family in matters of faith. It’s not a lack of desire or will, but our abilities don’t seem to match the spiritual leaders we admire or even the clear needs of our family. Delegation might then include borrowing the devotional material others have curated, or simply being intentional in exposing our family to the books, sermons, podcasts, and the like that feed their spiritual souls. Whatever it looks like, we’re still responsible for establishing the culture of faith within our home. But this doesn’t mean we have to come up with everything ourselves. 

In the end, accept the responsibility that’s yours without deferring this to others. But learn also the wisdom of delegation. Being responsible doesn’t mean you must do everything yourself. 


Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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