Our soul’s hidden clues
What if those deep movements of our heart, those secret desires, and nagging questions are actually clues to how God has crafted us and to our part to play in his larger story?
Not everyone can be trusted to share these hidden places. And there are few who can truly understand us when we do.
But we’re called to bring more life and goodness into the world and we cannot do this when we’re out of touch with our own souls.
Unlocking our souls gives us the freedom and power to impact the world for good.

Unlock your…
About Dr. Corey Carlisle
I’m Dr. Corey Carlisle and as a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Spiritual Director I help men to discover, engage, and celebrate who God has created them to be in body and soul.
We often live with burning questions and deep desires that never make it to the light of day. We sense there is more to us, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone to truly listen, affirm, and call out our greatness personally. And as such, we simply maintain the status quo – dying slowly inside and never fully living.
I’ve been there and now want more for you.
I’m here as your trusted guide to help you unlock and recover the glory God has given you.