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Daily we’re confronted with countless stories of heartache, tragedy, and death. Perhaps it involves strangers across the globe, or those within our very community. But the weight of such sorrow will eventually take a toll on our souls either way. And we must learn to live sober minded – mindful of the profound suffering of this life, without letting darkness steal any more life from us than it already has taken. 

Of course, when tragedy strikes close to home we rightly give it the attention it’s due. In fact, God might have prepared us for such a time as this – putting us in a position to minister to others during their time of suffering. 

But one of evil’s tactics is either tempting us to live naively to the pain and suffering of life – pretending we can avoid it if we try hard enough, or to hyperfocus on it – adopting a spirit of doom, gloom, and death. And both are mistakes. 

On the one hand, we cannot love others as Christ has loved us when we’re unable to walk with others through the dark valleys of this life. Part of love is a willingness to weep with those who weep. 

At the same time, we cannot be salt and light in the world when we’ve allowed the darkness of this world to consume us. And this is what happens when our hearts have become so callous to suffering that we’ve become cynical and full of despair. 

Life wins reminds us there is a struggle between life and death, light and darkness, and to live in the deeper truth of Life despite the many heartaches we must suffer along the way. We weep when it’s time to weep, while also keeping our heart open to the beauty and goodness that’s still available. We let darkness and death win when we do otherwise. 

In the end, weep for the many tragedies of this world. And remember life wins the ultimate victory. Live in the reality of this truth. 

Photo by Craig Dennis on Pexels

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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