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We are social creatures to our core. And this plays out in the very way we interpret the events of life, particularly when we’re faced with something new. Our natural tendency is to read the room to see how others are responding, which then shapes our approach. While there’s goodness here, we must not forget to elevate our gaze as well.

For example, if we see someone fall or experience some sort of social gaffe we might initially laugh. But if no one else is laughing we will quickly adjust our response to match those around us. Looking to others and matching their responses is simply part of being socialized in our community. It helps us to fit in and get along with others.

But there’s danger when we’re being socialized by those who are not centered on love. It’s true that bad company corrupts good character. And our character will soon be corrupted when we look to those who are fueled by anything other than love. 

As such, we must train our eyes first to look to God and then to the people of God to form our character. For instance, we might pray for God to show us his heart regarding a current event or social issue. We might then talk about it with fellow Christians as well. This allows our responses to be shaped by God and those who follow him, rather than by the world or other evil influences. 

We might find ourselves fitting in with the world but farther from the heart of God when we don’t consider the company we keep. 

In the end, we’re inherently social beings – looking to others to form our responses. But we should regularly consider who we surround ourselves with and allow to influence the formation of our hearts.  

Photo by Juan Rojas on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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