Perhaps we look back and wonder how we might have faced the challenges of our parents’ or grandparents’ generation. Or how they might hold up during our time. And we might also worry about our kids being ready for all the changes to come. Much of this is just human nature and our way of empathizing. But we must not forget God has placed us each in our own generation for a reason.
To be sure, there’s a lot we can learn from those who have gone before us. Their faith, courage, and resiliency in the face of great trials help us to embody these same principles in our day. And, of course, part of our responsibility is to pass these values on to the next generation as well.
But, while there are enduring truths that remain the same, each generation has its own unique challenges to contend with. While one might have to deal with a world war, another might be confronted with a global pandemic, or a rapidly changing sociopolitical landscape. And by faith we believe God has prepared us to shine our lights in whatever generation he has placed us.
As such, there’s no place to complain that we have to deal with things others have not, nor live in fear of what might be on the horizon for our children. God has given us everything we need to serve our generation well. And he’s preparing our children to do the same in theirs.
We become ineffective when we’re constantly comparing ourselves to others and not accepting the reality in front of us.
In the end, each generation must rise to the occasion given to it. And you have been made for such a time as this. Live by faith and courageously accept the assignment of your generation.
Photo by Leonardo Yip on Unsplash