We have moments of confidence and the ability to live without doubts regarding the next steps we need to take. We don’t question what needs to be done or our ability to accomplish it. But there are many other times in which quiet doubts increase and we find ourselves unsure on how to proceed.
To be sure, we’re not God. And perhaps doubt provides us with a humble reminder of this reality. We cannot do everything. We have limitations and many times our best efforts will still come up short.
Doubt is a moment of questioning what’s possible. Can we be certain we have what it takes to do what’s being asked of us?
And this is a good thing in moments when our pride needs humbling. Sometimes we think too highly of ourselves and doubt helps to bring us back down to earth and set realistic expectations.
But doubt becomes a problem when it holds us back from living by faith and doing our part to bring more life and goodness into the world.
For instance, we don’t pursue that job, relationship, or chance to make a difference because we’re uncertain of the outcome and afraid to appear foolish. What if we put ourselves out there and we’re humiliated? Or somehow make things worse than before?
Doubt reminds us of the very real risks of life in the world. But faith gives us the courage to keep doing the next right thing anyway. We don’t know the outcomes and we might get hurt, appear foolish, or seem to make things worse. But we trust God is still in control and is bigger than any doubts we might have. While we have our limitations, all things are possible with God and we can rest in the truth of his goodness.
In the end, it’s only human to experience doubt. Let this keep you humble without allowing it to take you out. Trust in God’s ultimate goodness and courageously live by faith.
Photo by Mariano Nocetti on Unsplash