One decision can change everything. A seemingly small choice today can lead to a radically different life tomorrow. While we won’t always know the significance in the moment, our life is forged one decision at a time.
Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash
Usually in hindsight, we can look back and see how one decision changed the course of our life.
How would our life be different if we didn’t go on that date, apply for that job, or make that move?
With one decision our life is never the same again.
Sometimes we look back fondly at how our choices led us to this point. At other times, the regret of bad choices or missed opportunities makes this reflection more painful.
If only we didn’t go to that gathering or pursue that relationship.
If only we had the courage to speak up or to come out of hiding?
We cannot change what has happened in the past. The choices we made cannot be undone.
However, in realizing how much one decision can lead us into a totally different life, our daily choices should not be taken for granted.
This is not for us to overthink and become paralyzed at the crossroads of our decisions, but rather to become more conscious of the choices we are making.
Without changing the past, our next decision can open the door to a new and better way of living.
Today we can decide to show up and offer our strength to work that matters.
Today we can decide to take the risk of being deeply known as we build meaningful relationships.
One decision can change everything.
What decisions will you make today?