Life is filled with uncertainties and we don’t always get to choose what our days will hold. But we can choose our posture toward the unknown. We can live in fear or we can practice hope.
It’s scary not knowing what tomorrow will bring. And most days we manage to keep our fears in check by living under the illusion we’re in complete control of our life.
But every so often reality disrupts our illusion and we’re reminded of how little we actually control.
And these are moments in which fear and anxiety often get the best of us again – living in dread and waiting for the next shoe to drop.
What if I loose my job? What if my wife leaves me? What if someone I love gets a terminal illness?
Driven by fear this negative What if spiral can paralyze us.
But there is a better way. We can practice hope.
Hope is not merely wishful thinking. It starts with the assumption of joy and a confident expectation that God is working all things out for good.
But it must be actively chosen and practiced daily in order for it to be an anchor for our souls.
There are still many unknowns and things we cannot control. But hope trains our eyes to consider what God is up to in our life and how even our uncertain days will be part of his story of redemption.
Practicing hope positions us to receive all that God has for us. And the fullness of life and joy are missed when we live in fear.
Tomorrow remains unknown. But today you can choose to practice hope.
Photo by Cesar Carlevarino Aragon on Unsplash
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