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Of course, there’s a time to leave elementary principles to move on toward greater maturity. But these basic principles serve as the foundation for the rest. And occasionally it’s wise to revisit the basics to ensure we have a strong foundation as we continue to grow.

For example, professional athletes regularly revisit their foundational skills as they’re preparing for a big performance.  While they’re capable of more advanced skills, they become a stronger and more confident athlete when they remember and practice their basics. And the same is true for us throughout our life and relationships.

For instance, after years of marriage it’s often good to go back and remember the first love we had with our wife. This is not to ignore all that has happened over the years, or to deny we’ve grown and that we’re now essentially two different people than when we first met. But there’s still a place to honor that original spark of affection between us, and perhaps to even remember the simple joy of holding hands.

At work, this might be both remembering why we do what we do as well as polishing our concrete skills. Our continuing education should occasionally include revisiting the basics and not always learning something new.

Likewise, in our spiritual life, there’s great wisdom in sitting with the basic truth that Jesus loves us. While there are many theological issues of our day to sort through, we’re better prepared to handle them as we stay grounded in the basic truths of our faith.

Whatever it looks like, we should humbly revisit our foundational principles. This is not to stay here, but to ensure we’re on solid footing as we continue to advance.

In the end, don’t let your mastery lead to pride. Revisit the basics as often as necessary to maintain a strong foundation as you advance.

Photo by Matt Roskovec on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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