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It’s tempting to beat ourselves for not yet being where we want to be. This is not the pressure of trying to meet someone else’s expectations, but the sense of failure for not meeting our own. But we must extend grace even to ourselves, and learn to be okay with starting wherever we are today and not where we want to be tomorrow.

Of course, vision is a good thing. We need to see where we are going to get there. But this naturally creates levels of internal dissonance, as we’re not there yet. And this is often harder when we can clearly see others are already where we want to be.

Perhaps we see them enjoying their fitness goals, financial success, or benefits of spiritual disciplines. We’re jealous because we desire this goodness for ourselves. And in our zeal we try to jump into the deep where they are, only to be disappointed we cannot do what they’re doing yet.

Unfortunately, this disappointment takes many of us out. We give up our efforts because we cannot immediately realize our vision today. The better approach is simply starting wherever we are, and keep moving forward.

For instance, we might have to start with 1 push-up instead of 50, saving $100 instead of $1000, or fasting for one meal instead of for multiple days. While humbling, we commit to starting with whatever we can do today – taking as many baby steps as necessary to eventually arrive at our destination.

To be sure, ambition and desire are not enough for success if we allow pride and laziness to keep us from the efforts needed at humble beginnings.

In the end, dream big and pursue all the good God has for you. But remember to humble your pride and start where you are and not where you want to be. 

Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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