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Men are made to generate life outside of themselves

God has given us the ability to generate life outside of ourselves. We plant our seeds and new life is conceived, but this is not limited to just making babies. Let’s dive in.

When we think of fertilization we often think of a couple trying to conceive and have a baby, or perhaps our minds go to acorns and planting a garden when we think of planting seeds. And while these are true concrete examples, the life force that God has given us is not limited to these things.

Generative men

And God has given us our own unique seeds to bring more life and goodness into the world, and we leave the world and our relationships barren when we don’t learn how to freely and generously plant our seeds.

We were created as generative men, and our seed is that vehicle through which we offer our life -giving strength to the world.

Seed as our life force

Our seeds contain our life force, holding the powers to produce much life once planted, and this can manifest in various ways through our work, through the things we create, or even the insights we share…whether as making music, designing a project, or serving the needs of others, there’s a sense in which we’re constantly planting seeds of life. And our very presence also serves as a seed of life, uplifting and inspiring, renewing and offering hope to those around us.

Fear, selfishness, and playing it safe

Sometimes fear keeps us from getting freely. We worry about not having enough, and so we hold back. Or perhaps we waste our seeds in selfish pursuits by playing it safe and not taking those meaningful risks that can bless the lives of others.

Like our sperm, our life force is continually renewed

But as our bodies remind us, by constantly making new sperm every moment, the life force God has given us to plant seeds of goodness continually renews in us as well. Our seed is not in limited supply. We can give freely and abundantly. This is not to be wasteful or careless with our gifts, but we don’t have to bring a poverty mindset to our strength either.

Be generous like God

And when we generously plant our seeds, we can cultivate that harvest of life and goodness the world is so desperately longing for.

And so generously plant your seeds, whether it’s through your work or your insights, or through your mere presence, and contribute to the flourishing of life and goodness around you. The more you give yourself away, the more you can reflect God’s gracious generosity in the world.


Let me know in the comments what it’s been like for you to plant your seeds. And until next time, keep sowing your seeds, and take care.