Everyday we make thousands of choices. And most of them we don’t give a second thought. But each day our choices are either leading us to greater life or death, and we must be intentional about choosing life.
God’s people have always had the choice between life and death – to either walk with God and live, or attempt life on our own and die.
And all too often we do attempt life on our own and wonder why our souls are slowly dying inside.
It’s not that we intentionally turn our backs on God. But in our daily living we often just don’t give him a second thought.
While we can still answer all the right questions about God, we start to drift in our actual life with God.
One small choice after the next until we’re no longer connected to our source of life. And apart from him, we die.
Part of maturity is growing in awareness of the daily choices we’re making.
How we spend our free time, the people we hang out with, the news we consume – are these choices bringing us closer to God? Or are we drifting farther away?
Without a doubt, we need to stay mindful of God as we approach the major decisions of life. But it’s the mundane decisions that tend to take us off course.
And it’s here we must be increasingly intentional.
True life must be actively pursued and it is not something we can simply slide into. However, when we’re not careful, we can easily slide farther away from God and into death.
We have the freedom to choose and our life will produce the fruit of the choices we make.
Choose life everyday and live.
Photo by Wil Stewart on Unsplash