It’s only right to do at least the job expected of us. This is our bare minimum duty and responsibility. At the same time, we’ve been called to go the extra mile – giving generously more than what’s expected.
Perhaps it’s just human nature to give only what we have to. We satisfy our job description whether at work, home, or in our community. And no one can say we’re not doing our part; we’re meeting expectations and no more. But Christ calls us to a higher standard of love and generosity – to not just give what’s demanded or expected, but to go above and beyond mere expectations.
For instance, at work this means we work to please God more than our boss or even our customers. We’re seeking to glorify God with the talents, gifts, and abilities he has given us more than we’re just trying to satisfy the job requirements per se.
And in marriage this means we’re constantly seeking how to love our wife better. It’s not enough to simply avoid the bad when we’re not also generously cultivating good for her sake.
Likewise, this might mean proactively working to make our communities more beautiful, humane, and just. Instead of just being a law-abiding citizen, we intentionally use our strength to make an impact for good and advance God’s kingdom throughout our neighborhood.
Whatever it looks like, we’re driven by a spirit of generosity to reflect more of God’s grace in the world. He doesn’t hold back on us and neither should we in our practice of love. In fact, we allow the world to grow a bit darker when we live only to meet human expectations and not God’s.
In the end, do what’s expected of you, and then some. Be generous in your practice of love by going the extra mile.
Photo by Zach Damberger on Pexels