There’s not much we have to wait on these days and it’s easy to give up when our desires are delayed. But all too often we give up too quickly when persistence is called for. We must keep showing up and fighting for the good – trusting it will come in due time.
To be sure, within a few clicks we can have almost anything we want delivered to our house within just a few days, if not just a few hours. And we tend to approach the rest of our life and relationships with this same expectation of near instant gratification.
In fact, we’re quick to grow frustrated when we can’t step right into our dream job or have the relationships we desire. And this is all the more true when we know our desires are good. It’s hard to understand why it takes so much effort to move toward the good our hearts desire.
And we might never understand it all. But persistence is called for all the same.
We must keep asking, seeking, and knocking for the door to open.
Persistence assumes an active faith on our part. This is not simply passively waiting on God to give us the desires of our heart. We must keep showing up and moving toward the good we desire.
And there’s also a refining quality here. Persistence builds in us character and hope as we keep our eyes focused on God. In short, we learn not to give up – trusting God will provide and open doors for us at just the right time.
We miss out on the good God has for us when we remain impatient and shortsighted.
Learn the wisdom and faith of persistence to have the right doors open at just the right time.
Photo by onkelramirez1 on Pixabay