It’s hard to keep going when each day seems like more of the same. Darkness and despair sets in and we come to believe this is as good as it gets. But the thrill of hope stirs our weary souls when we remember God’s story ends well and that his goodness includes us.
We live in a world of many distractions, pressing concerns, and desperate situations. And without hope things no longer seem to matter as much.
For some this leads to anger and resentment.
We know there’s more to life and we lash out at anything and everything we perceive as an injustice. Without a deeper hope we believe we must take matters into our own hands to get whatever we can from life.
For others a sense of resignation grows in their hearts.
We often wonder why we put in the effort if nothing will change in the end. Perhaps we indulge in our vices a bit more or otherwise just check out and stop caring for the life and relationships around us.
Whatever it looks like, hopelessness is not a pleasant or welcomed experience.
What a thrill then to realize better is still coming.
Jesus is the light of the world and declares he will make all things new. However dark and desperate our current situation the end is not yet.
With Abraham, we hope against hope – resting in the promises of God even when everything seems hopeless.
And this hope is a lifeline to our souls – a light in the darkness pointing the way home.
We don’t have to live in darkness. We can practice hope and reflect the light of Christ for others as well.
Despite the long and dark days ahead, let the thrill of hope keep your eyes focused on Jesus and the fullness of life he brings.
Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash