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Tomorrow we might die. And there is some value in living in light of this reality. But this perspective can also keep our focus on the fear of what we’re losing rather than fully accepting and relishing in what we have today. There’s wisdom in living fully present today while letting tomorrow take care of itself.

Of course, this is not to neglect our duties to plan and prepare for the future. Nor is it to be careless with the time we are given; our time on this side of eternity is limited and we should steward ourselves accordingly.

But all too often we get so caught up trying to do it all that we forget to just be present today. And this can play out with all sorts of fears.

For instance, we might fear the future loss of our job, marriage, or health. And all of these might be legitimate concerns and well within the realm of possibilities. But it does no good to live as if these things are true today. And while fear can help us to wisely implement preventive measures, we must keep our feet firmly planted in the reality of today. And let us rejoice and be glad if today we still have our job, marriage, health, and the like.

Remembering to live here, in this present moment, allows us to remain focused on what we’ve been called to do with the time and place given to us today. Instead of anxiously worrying about all that’s still come, we choose to just simply be. And this comes with tremendous freedom, peace, and gratitude. 

In the end, tomorrow is unknown, but today you are here. Keep your feet planted firmly in this reality.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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