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We have often forgotten who we are – settling into a way of making life work that’s simply convenient, comfortable, and safe. But God has bestowed upon us his divine glory. And we must regularly consider when there’s still more to us than what we’ve currently become.

This was the case for Simba in The Lion King. Living in the land of No Worries, he avoided his true identity because it was easier to stay hidden and avoid the responsibility of greatness. And all too often we do the same.

Perhaps we struggle with fear and doubt – not knowing if we have what it takes to show up and make a difference for good. Or maybe it’s the uncertainty of how others might receive us. Are we just being prideful or toxic when we seek to fully embody our masculine strength?

Whatever the case, we often find ourselves like Simba – living a carefree life while abdicating the crown God has given us. And we too must eventually admit there is more to us than what we have become.

To be sure, this more does not come through the titles, possessions, or achievements common in society. In fact, we might win all the prizes the world has to offer, but none of this matters until we’ve taken our place back on our throne and faithfully reigning in the kingdom God has given us.

This is a journey of the heart that won’t happen overnight. All the same, we must keep stepping back to consider if we’ve merely adopted the safe and easy roles in life, or if we’re answering God’s call for us to bring more life and goodness into the world. And, like Simba, we might also need others to show us where our glory is still being hidden.

In the end, who have you become? Are you living up to all that God has created you to be? Take your rightful place in God’s kingdom and become a beacon of light for all.


Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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