This was a hard year with the death of my father in June. And yet his death inspires me to follow his example to keep fighting the good fight God has given us until the very end. Below are are thoughts reflecting on why I felt I had to deliver his eulogy.
Just a Thought Playlist Highlights
When sexual abstinence in marriage hurts
When a Vulcan marries a Klingon
The second look is not the problem 👀
Sacred Romance (Teaching Series)
What if those deep desires of our heart were written there by the very One who is wooing us? I shared my thoughts in a 7-week teaching series with an adult connection class at Grace Chapel church of Christ.
New Devotionals
I also compiled two new devotionals this year in an effort to continue making my writing more accessible and shareable with others. These devotionals are great for personal reflection offline or in a men’s group with like-hearted others.
Top 10 Post of 2024
- Sexual formation – Sexual formation is not optional. Be intentional about the direction in which your sexual self is being shaped – committing to aligning it with God’s truth, goodness, and beauty.
- Handling false narratives – Reason with others as best as you can to correct false narratives. But, in the end, refuse to accept lies and live in the freedom of what’s true. You don’t have to accept the opinions of others as true, nor try to convince them otherwise.
- Receiving humble efforts – Don’t settle in the pursuit of God’s best. But learn to graciously accept the humble efforts of others along the way.
- Sexual responsibility – Freely enjoy the many ways God has designed your body and soul to respond to sexual stimuli. And remember this is never an excuse to neglect your duty to love.
- Distorted desires – Desires are prone to get distorted. But this doesn’t make desire itself bad. Let your desires be redeemed and learn to enjoy them to the full.
- Living with the consequences – Humbly accept the natural consequences of your decisions rather than playing the blame game. This allows you to grow in wisdom and discernment as you count the cost of future decisions.
- Emotional hibernation – The human soul can only bear so much. Allow for times of emotional hibernation to give your heart the rest it needs before carrying on.
- Relational etiquette – Respect each other by practicing basic relational etiquette. It’s a mark of maturity and love to freely offer these common courtesies even if they’re not technically needed.
- Vulnerable, not naïve – Relationships by their very nature keep us vulnerable to heartache and pain. Don’t be naive to this reality, but keep your heart open all the same.
- Unknown cost – Count the cost and take the time needed before embarking on the adventures of life before you. And courageously accept the unknown cost along the way. It’s a mark of faith and maturity to show up anyway.
Honorable Mention
- Neither pedestal nor mud – Be forever grateful for all the ways Eve makes your life better by her very presence. And remember this doesn’t require you to put her on a pedestal or you in the mud. Humbly serve without forgetting your identity in Christ.
- Masquerading as light – Don’t be fooled by merely what seems good. Test the spirits as evil often masquerades as light.
- Leopard’s spots and widow’s mites – Learn to accept the limitations of others while receiving with deep gratitude the humble gifts of love they are able to offer.