We need regular doses of beauty. Our souls crave it and our lives are impoverished without it. When life wears us down, beauty nourishes, comforts, and inspires.
Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash
Some days are hard. We are depleted, our souls are weary, and the road ahead seems gloomy at best.
We are tempted in these moments to zone out in mindless activities or indulge in food, drink, or anything else that helps to medicate the ache of our souls.
A better approach is to go beauty hunting.
Beauty has the power to nourish, comfort, and inspire us through the ups and downs of life.
Nourishing Beauty
Like a baby at his mother’s breast, beauty feeds our souls. It provides a kind of food that passes into our very being.
Being drawn to beauty, whether in a person, nature, or other works of art, might not always have a rational explanation or practical function other than allowing us to be filled with life itself.
Comforting Beauty
There is a reason we give flowers to those who are sick or bereaved. Beauty comforts.
Likewise, we make our homes places of comfort by bringing in beauty through good art and various home décor.
Without saying a word, beauty speaks, heals, and soothes our souls.
Inspiring Beauty
Beauty also has the ability to inspire. Its goodness calls us to be better men.
If God has allowed such beauty to exist in his world, how could we not align our lives with such goodness?
We want our lives to match the beauty we see, or at least be moving in this direction.
Let beauty affect you.
Seek it out and cultivate it in your life.
When the burdens of life grow heavy, drink deeply of beauty – letting it nourish, comfort, and inspire you.