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There are many things we can do, and even do well. But we can quickly find ourselves spread thin and depleted when our life is not centered around God’s call for us. Putting our life back in order starts with remembering our very purpose.

To be sure, it’s easy to drift from one good thing to the next. And we might not question our involvements because they are good. But good might still be a distraction from the work God has called us to do.

For instance, we might take a good job because it pays the bills, pick up a new hobby, or start hanging out with new friends. And while each of these might be good by themselves, we must evaluate them in light of the story God has called us to. Does this job allow us to steward our gifts and serve the people God has given us? Is our hobby a source of joy that refreshes our soul, or merely a distraction that steals our time and energy? Likewise, are our friends true allies or just more individuals who drain us?

We’re in a better position to discern true goodness when we know who we are and the work God has called us to do. All our decisions, big and small, can then be filtered accordingly.

Certainly, it’s easy to reject activities that clearly distract us from our primary objective. But keeping our life centered on God’s purpose for us allows us to also rank and rightly prioritize those many gray areas as well.  We give the weight of our attention and intentionality to what matters the most, enjoying the rest as we’re able.

We essentially become lost souls when we chase every shiny goodness without being grounded in the identity and purpose God has given us.

In the end, know who you are and the work God has called you to do. This allows you to live a centered life – undeterred even by many otherwise good things.  

Photo by Leslie Lopez Holder on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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