Growing in maturity naturally includes taking on increasing responsibilities. But often we take this to mean we must do life on our own and that we can’t trust or depend on anyone else to come through for us. And while our confession of faith would declare otherwise, our daily life would suggest this often includes God as well. We must learn again the wisdom of a child-like trust to live with peace as we also answer God’s call for our life.
Children are rightly still young and immature in many respects. There’s a lot they’ve not yet discovered about how life works and their place in it.
At the same time, there are some things they do better than most adults, and trust tends to be at the top of this list.
Generally speaking, young kids don’t worry about having enough food to eat, clothes to wear, or if the bills are paid so that they will have a house to live in. They trust their parents will figure all of this out and all they have to do is enjoy the good life they’ve been provided.
But somewhere along the way this trust starts to erode.
Of course, as parents, it’s our responsibility to provide for our homes. But this doesn’t mean we can’t still trust in the provision of our Father.
All too often we worry about not having enough. We live in the fear of coming up short and so we become desperate in our work – always feeling we must do more and never able to rest.
A child-like trust is learning to rest once again in the hands of a good, good Father.
God knows what we need. And like our children trust us without reservation, so we must also practice our trust in God.
This is not to become passive. But it’s not living as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders either.
Remember again the trust of a child and discover the freedom, peace, and joy that come as you faithfully answer God’s call for your life.
Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash