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Modern life comes with many complexities. And often it feels overwhelming to keep up with all the demands placed on us, as we’re also bombarded with new and perhaps contradicting information daily. But as we take a step back we might discover that we have allowed ourselves to become spread too thin. And getting back to the basics might also include a return to simplicity.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we put our head in the sand or otherwise neglect our responsibilities. But it will call for a fierce inventory of how we spend our time.

For instance, many of us are guilty of wasting time with mere “fillers” in our day – watching television, scrolling online, playing video games, or the like. While not inherently bad, we use them mostly as an escape and temporary relief. And, as such, they don’t feed or refresh our souls – leaving us still depleted when we try to reengage with the rest of life.

We might also fill our time with a lot of otherwise good things, but not necessarily doing the work or serving the people God has called us to. And this again leaves us exhausted as we try to juggle everything.

A return to simplicity includes remembering our basic needs for a quality life. While “junk food” might be easier, we make life more difficult when we don’t take the time to regularly feast on what matters.

Likewise, embracing simplicity might also include learning to exercise our good Yes, and saying No even to good things that distract us from the work and people God has called us to serve. The good life doesn’t require us to do everything.

In the end, take a deep breath as you navigate the complexities of a modern world. And occasionally step back and allow yourself to return to simplicity. Life might not be as complicated as you’ve made it out to be.

Photo by August de Richelieu on Pexels

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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