In the beginning, God created. And it’s this same creative impulse that flows through our veins as well. And often it’s particularly strong as we face some void, disappointment or grief in our life.
God’s desire was to take nothing and turn it into something – to create beauty and the abundance of life where there was none. And we get hints of this divine spark as we navigate the ups and downs of this life.
On the one hand, we’re prone to creative expression when we’re feeling good and on top of the world. This is our way to celebrate the moment. But this is also true as we walk through the valleys of grief.
To be sure, there might be many moments after loss in which we don’t feel like doing anything. But, as we continue to listen closer, there often comes a point in which we want to do something to honor our grief. And this is that creative impulse.
For example, funerals and other rituals around death allow us to make a meaningful mark even in the face of profound loss. And our healing journey might be stalled when we don’t find some way to give concrete expression to our sorrow. But this is true throughout life and in all forms of grief.
This is why, for instance, many turn to sex more often when they’re facing various challenges or disappointments. It’s a means to connect with the creative energy surging through our bodies. And this is a helpful reminder even outside of the bedroom.
One of the ways we can deal with the heartache and pains of life is to engage our creative impulses. This is not to dismiss our sorrows, but a way to cultivate life even in the midst of our aches.
In the end, weep as you face the grief and many heartaches of this life. And allow your creative impulse to bring healing to your soul as well – bringing new life out of the ashes.
Photo by Kateryna Babaieva on Pexels