Many things have happened to get us to this point. And certainly our past still matters and there’s much wisdom in learning from it. But it’s not helpful to get stuck looking back. With Paul, we must learn to forget the past and press forward.
Looking back only slows us down when running a race. The best strategy to win is to keep our eyes forward toward the finish line.
And this wisdom is helpful throughout life.
All too often we burden ourselves with our past – both the good and the bad.
Perhaps we continue to beat ourselves up for our past mistakes. And rather than living in the freedom of Christ available today, we’re weighted down by guilt and shame.
Or maybe we’ve accomplished some good things. But like the former star athlete, we continue to relive in our past glories rather than growing and learning how to offer the fullness of our strength today.
Whatever the case, it’s not that our past is irrelevant. When we completely ignore it, it’s like trying to run on a broken leg. And we must often go back in order to go forward – finding healing from the past in order to run freely toward the future.
But the point is still to keep our eyes looking forward and not distracted by what’s behind.
And this is also a continual pressing forward. We don’t assume we’ve arrived just because we’ve covered some good ground.
We miss the mark when we grow complacent and pull up too soon. We must run all the way through the finish line to receive the prize God has for us.
Don’t get distracted looking back. And don’t stop running. Forget the past and press ever forward towards God’s best.
Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash