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God has given us each the grace to do certain things well – our unique talents, gifts, and abilities. And we come alive when we get to freely offer our strength and make an impact for good in the lives of others. But this also becomes our point of burden.

On the one hand, we love what we do and it comes natural to us. In fact, we might even take it for granted and assume everyone can do what we do if they only tried. And perhaps they could to certain degrees. But this remains our gift and opportunity to bless others.

As such, we don’t place the expectation onto others to do what we’ve been gifted to do. This means there’s no one else to show up and offer what we do in the exact same way. And this is the burden; when we don’t offer our life-giving strength the situation remains barren. Of course, God will still use others to accomplish his tasks, but this is not an excuse to neglect the responsibility given to us.

For example, some people are gifted leaders. And as much as they might assume their gift is only for the workforce, they’re often looked to as the leader in their friendships and other social networks. To be sure, it can be frustrating when they’re always the one initiating and taking the first step to get things done. All the same, they do well when they learn to humbly accept leadership as part of their burden and responsibility to others.

This doesn’t mean they allow themselves to be taken advantage of or to otherwise assume others are incapable of doing their fair share. But it is accepting the blessing and the burden of their gift.

In the end, it’s clear God has blessed you to do certain things well. Enjoy this favor while also recognizing the burden it comes with. You have a duty to offer your unique strength in situations where others do not.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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