Some days we’re inspired and the work before us flows without effort. And other days we must discipline ourselves to do what needs to be done. Both inspiration and discipline are needed to fulfill the work God has given us to do.
To be sure, work often doesn’t feel like work when inspiration strikes. We feel compelled to create, to produce, to build. And no one has to encourage us to do these things.
In fact, there’s a sense in which we’re unstoppable. It would pain us not to work and do whatever we could to fully honor the inspiration stirred within.
And certainly, we can get a lot done when motivated by inspiration. But some days the work still needs to be done, even without the immediate benefits of inspiration. And this is where discipline comes into play.
Discipline allows us to get things done simply because they need to be done regardless of how we might feel in the moment.
These moments are not sexy per se. We’re not overflowing with passion and excitement, and it’s very easy to get distracted doing other things. But we keep bringing ourselves back to the work at hand – trusting our deeper yes not dependent on how energized we might feel in the moment.
This is not to suggest we just keep grinding it out with no spark of inspiration. Inspiration is often part of God’s confirmation to us that we’re on the right track regarding his call for our life.
God inspires each of us in particular ways to bring more life and goodness into the world. And it takes a fair amount of discipline to remain faithful to this call as well.
In the end, enjoy moments of inspiration whenever they come. These are clues to the work God has for you. And be willing to also discipline yourself to keep showing up even when you don’t feel like it.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash