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Most days we are able to show up and pour everything we have into the work before us. But we’re not robots, and so we cannot consistently function at this peak capacity. Instead of giving up and doing nothing, sometimes the best use of our time is to shift into a lower gear and accept times of light duty as well.

Of course, we often have a lot on our plates and we would love to cover as much ground as possible everyday. And many days we do feel on top of our game and satisfied with the work we’ve accomplished, or at least we know we’ve given it our all.

But some days light duty is the best we can do.

While this is easier to accept in recovering from a physical injury, there are other times in which our bodies and souls need this light duty as well.

For instance, this might be the grace we offer to ourselves after the death of a loved one or during a particularly hard season relationally. This might also be needed as we navigate various parenting dynamics or realize just how much our bodies have been worn down lately.

As much as we might like time to stop, there are still things to be done. And while it’s certainly good to take time off and get some true rest from time to time, this is not a luxury we can always afford.

Light duty gives us an opportunity to honor our work commitments while still caring for the needs of our soul.

This is not giving up or changing the requirements before us. We’re still responsible for what’s ours to do, but we don’t have to burn ourselves out in the process.

Give your all everyday you can. And remember it’s okay to accept light duty from time to time as well.

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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