Love doesn’t turn its face from the ugly and embarrassing parts of our story. It enters in with much grace, compassion, and understanding. But it also doesn’t leave things undone. It diligently seeks to correct and restore things back to their highest good.
For instance, it’s not enough to see someone in need and merely offer them a warm greeting. Certainly, this is nice. But it’s not love.
Love corrects the situation by providing what is needed.
And this remains true throughout our life and relationships, and even in loving our own bodies.
For example, if our bodies have some sort of infection, love seeks to heal the body and restore it back to its optimal health. It’s not love to simply accept and not condemn the disease.
Love takes action and corrects what is wrong.
If a misunderstanding threatens our friendship, love is not ignoring it and pretending that everything is okay.
Love courageously removes any barriers that block our bonds of connection with each other.
Likewise, while love covers a multitude of sins, it is not turning a blind eye to the harms of sin.
Love gently restores whatever has missed the mark of God’s goodness.
Tolerance and mere warm and fuzzy platitudes are easy. They allow us to maintain an illusion of peace and to not rock the boat.
But we’re called to a higher standard – a love that actively engages and participates in the work of redemption.
We miss the mark when love is not motivating us to restore God’s goodness throughout life.
Be kind, gracious, and very patient with everything not yet as it should be. But don’t leave things undone. Let your love correct and restore things back to God’s best.