Sometimes our choices really mess things up. Much heartache and suffering is often the result of our sin. But the natural consequences of sin don’t rob us of our inherent worth or divine calling.
Of course, we feel guilty and outright humiliated when we see just how much our sins have brought pain and grief to the ones we love.
And we would take it back in a heartbeat if we could. But we can’t and we’re left with the shame of what we’ve done and the hurt we’ve caused.
The burden of shame makes it difficult to receive grace and to live in the hope of redemption. We’re tempted to believe our sin makes us worthless and disqualifies us from any meaningful calling in our life.
But this is the redeeming power of grace – to remind us of who God created us to be and restore us to the work he has called us to do.
For instance, sexual sins tend to leave many deep wounds.
And the shame of discovery might cause us to wonder if we could ever have anything to offer as a husband or a father again. Who am I to lead my family after what I’ve done?
But while we might have a long journey of healing personally and relationally ahead of us, our divine dignity remains intact and we’re still called to serve our family well.
It’s a lie to believe we no longer have anything meaningful to offer due to our past sins.
This is not to downplay or sugarcoat the consequences of sin. And the work of making amends is still called for. But it does remind us that sin doesn’t have the final word in our story.
Accept the cost and consequences of your sin. But don’t let it rob you of the worth and calling God has given you.
Photo by William Krause on Unsplash