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Occasionally, we set goals and still come up short despite all our good intentions. And while we’re disappointed that we didn’t accomplish what we set out to do, it’s important to still offer ourselves grace. Grace gives us the freedom to try again while also reminding us there’s more to the journey.

Perhaps it’s a New Year’s resolution, a commitment to spiritual practices, or other personal and relational goals to move toward our better.

We see the value and wholeheartedly commit to the journey. But in our zeal we set a goal we’re not able to meet currently.

It’s easy to beat ourselves up for even trying. And our inner critic quickly condemns us for not being good enough to finish.

But grace offers a better way.

Grace is not watering down our standards and the things we want to accomplish. But it does give us the freedom to grow into them.

For instance, maturity often involves many wobbly starts. Our vision and intentions are good. And there’s often still a season of crawling and many attempts at walking before fully walking outright.

Our initial “failures” at walking are all part of our journey of growth.

Likewise, grace helps to remind us there’s more to the journey than external checklists.

For example, maintaining a strict diet and exercise regimen is less important than actually learning to steward our bodies well.

Equally, spiritual disciplines are to draw us closer to God and enjoying life with him much more than merely completing certain tasks.

Grace brings us back to the heart of the issue. What’s the most important thing in our efforts?

It’s okay to be disappointed. But don’t let the disappointment take you out or distract you from what truly matters.

Accept the grace God offers and keep pressing toward the mark he has called you to.

Photo by awar kurdish on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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