Does porn serve as a poor attempt to access the wild, hairy side of our sexual selves? It is the mask of pseudo-intimacy and quasi-eroticism that removes the possibility of being seen.
In combating porn, is it possible then that what needs to be “put on” is the “wild, hairy” side of the Self, pursing both heighten intimacy and eroticism?
How do we redeem even the wild and hairy side of our sexuality, bringing it to the light and not keeping it locked away?
While wildness, by definition, is not tame, it should not be feared.
The wildness, the freedom, and the power that is to be embraced here is not for selfish-indulgence, but rather for benevolent responsibility toward others, namely our Eve; it wills the good and brings life into our sexual relationship; it is not a carte blanche energy that has no concern for the hearts involved simply because it is “wild.”
Yes, it is wild, but it is governed by Love.
Read more about the Wild Man in Robert Bly’s