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Our modern world is known for its scientific and technical approaches to life. We understand through our ability to take things apart and explain them rationally. Mystery is then simply what we’ve not yet fully dissected and understood. And our approach to sexuality has not been spared from this reductionist gaze. As a result, we’ve lost much of the mystery and wonder of ourselves as sexual beings. And to fully appreciate this gift we must allow it to be reenchanted. 

Of course, there’s a place for understanding. And reenchanting doesn’t mean settling for mere ignorance. In fact, part of our stewardship includes learning what we can about the gift given to us. And knowing basic anatomy and how our bodies function goes a long way in our efforts to fully embody our practice of love.  

At the same time, we miss the great awe of our sexuality when we reduce it to just biological processes. And this also leaves no reason to treat it as sacred, apart from our basic moral obligations. As such, our sexuality becomes fragmented, which only leads to more brokenness, harm, and heartache. 

To reenchant is to allow for elements of sexual mystery, fascination, and wonder. We’re curious, but not with an analytical gaze. It’s more of a desire to simply witness profound beauty – to see it with our own eyes, as we also cherish it in our hearts. We take delight in knowing God has allowed such glory to exist in his world. 

This enchantment also awakens us to the deeper reality beyond our physical world. As breathtaking as the human form might be, it’s only a glimpse and reflection of God’s glory. And the sex act itself also tells a story far beyond our mere earthy gratifications.  

We allow our sexuality to become dry and sterile, however moral otherwise, when we reduce it to purely mechanistic interpretations. 

In the end, reenchant your sexuality – standing in awe and enjoying its many mysteries without reducing it to mere analytical interpretations.

Photo by Ilo Frey on Pexels

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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