We all have many things to accomplish on our to-do list. And most days we just want to turn off the constant demands on our time and attention. But love still calls for us to take the time to notice and respond to the needs of those around us.
Presumably, the Good Samaritan didn’t start his day looking for someone to help. He had his own agenda that he continued after taking care of the man in need. But, on his way, he stopped to notice and care for this man and did not simply pass by on the other side. And this is similar to the posture we need throughout our life and relationships as well.
Of course, we must faithfully focus on the work God has called us to do. But this is never to the point of becoming blinded to the immediate needs right in front of us. To love our neighbor well we must take the time to notice and show mercy to those God has placed in our path.
And while certainly this includes strangers, enemies, and those on the other side of the aisle politically, it also includes those in our very homes.
For instance, this might mean simply noticing when our wife is having a hard day and writing her a love note or giving her a hug. Likewise, we might also take the time to notice when our kids need an extra dose of joy and spend some time playing with them.
To be sure, we shouldn’t get so caught up in serving the world that we fail to notice the needs in our own home. At the same time, this is not to become so focused on our families that we don’t care for those outside of our home as well.
Whatever it looks like, we neglect our duty to love whenever we don’t take the time to notice and respond to the needs of those around us.
In the end, within your very home and without, there are many souls struggling and in desperate need for more life. Take the time to notice and respond with love.
Photo by Jimmy Dean on Unsplash