The fear of death often holds us back. We play it safe instead of courageously offering our life for a greater good. Today is a good day to die reminds us to live life to the full each day.
The ever battle-ready Klingons of Star Trek used this phrase to speak to the honor of leaving it all on the battlefield with nothing held back, not even one’s life.
This fire in the belly courage made them ready to face whatever life brought their way.
And we need a similar internal fortitude, particularly during uncertain and trying times. It keeps us in the fight and fighting the battles God has called us to.
But our journey forward is also through the path of death. Our potential is never realized until we’re willing to die to the old and allow the new to emerge.
As such, everyday is a good day to die as God is ever calling us into our more – to leave behind our small stories and to take our place in the larger story he is telling.
Likewise, while the Apostle Paul eagerly sought to honor Christ with his life, he was also ready to die to gain more of Christ. And this is something we look forward to as well.
To this end, today is a good day to die because today is a good day to gain more of Christ.
With the Apostle, this is not something we want to rush, as we want to fulfill the work he has called us to. But it remains a day we look forward to with eager expectation and hope.
Whether tackling the issues of life, putting off the old, or looking forward to our fuller union with Christ – today is a good day to die.
Without this perspective we tend to live timid, underdeveloped, and depressing lives.
Live to the full – willing to die daily.
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash