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We diligently provide for our children and prepare them for the road ahead. And like arrows, we send them into the future with the hope that they too will bring more life and goodness into the world.

Children are our legacy – living on into the next generation as a witness of our own life and story. To be sure, they have their own story and we’re both part of the much larger story God is telling. At the same time, we’re charged as parents to train our children. And God has entrusted us to give them our very selves as part of this training.

Fatherhood is not generic, but a unique and special calling. Certainly, our fathering is tailored to the needs of each child. But it’s also true that we’re a one of a kind father. As God has given us each a unique gifting, this plays out in fatherhood as well. We have something to give that no one else can. Said another way, through fathering our gift is intended to live beyond us. It’s intended to serve not only our present generation, but the generation to come as well. As such, our children are like arrows of righteousness that we send into the next generation.

It’s easy to let the ills of society tempt us into parenting from fear. And while naturally we will do everything we can to protect our children, our task is to prepare them and not just protect them. As we choose to actively engage and train our children, they are prepared to continue our legacy of bringing more life and goodness into the world. This is the legacy we received from our Father and now seek to pass on.

Shape your children as only you can. And let the good started in you continue for generations to come.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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