The journey of life is rarely straightforward. Despite our best made plans, it still includes a lot of wandering and many unexpected twists and turns. But it’s through this meaningful drifting we discover much of our true self.
While Saul is out looking for his father’s missing donkeys, he runs into Samuel and is anointed as king over Israel. This was not how he planned his day. But God brings him exactly where he needs to be through a seemingly random and likely common activity.
The days of our life may also be seemingly random and common. Our interests drift and we simply focus on the next thing. But this often leaves us feeling behind because we don’t have a well-defined plan for our life. Others have had their life planned out since childhood and seem well on their way to being established in their life and calling. Meanwhile, we don’t know how to make sense of all our wanderings or what to do with our many and varied interests. But maybe this drifting is part of the plan.
Certainly, there is a time and place to have and execute a clear vision. But God is at work through our drifting as well. Many times it’s through the random jobs, hobbies, and relationships that God reveals more of his calling for our life. As we live each day by faith, we can trust that even our drifting is part of God’s good purposes. And like Saul, it’s possible our true calling is found only through the drifting.
Trust that God is at work even in your drifting – not as an excuse to let distractions keep you from a clear call, but to rest in freedom and enjoy all that comes your way.
Meaningful drifting brings you exactly where you need to be.
Photo by Harley-Davidson on Unsplash
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