Some things get better with age, and this certainly can include our sexual selves. But all too often we settle for mere functioning rather than exploring the depths of who God has created us to be as sexual beings – leaving our potential ultimately unrealized.
To be sure, for many, sex is limited to effectively putting body parts together and experiencing a bit of fun, intimacy, and pleasure along the way.
And of course good sex includes these things.
But often our sexual lives do not mature from one season to the next. While we might try to spice things up from time to time, things tend to remain pretty static at its core once we’ve discovered the basics and a bit of consistent satisfaction in our dance.
To reach our potential starts with the assumption there’s still more God has for us to discover.
Like any other area of life, we rightly assume we still have room to grow and mature until the day we die, regardless of how good things might be presently.
This is not to put pressure on ourselves to always be trying something new. In fact, reaching our potential is more about who we are becoming than any particular acts we might do.
Our bodies change with age and things will look different physically over the years. But hopefully our souls continue to mature – to deepen and expand, to be renewed and refined over the years as well.
And we discover our potential as we bring this fullness of our very being into our sexual expressions.
Without a doubt, this pursuit is simply part of our sexual stewardship – taking the gift of our sexuality and growing it into all that God has for it.
Enjoy the different seasons of your sex life. And keep discovering the more. Don’t settle and miss all the potential God still has for you.
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash
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