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Occasionally something grabs our attention that’s hard to let go of. It keeps us up at night and distracted throughout the day. And whether we admit it or not, we’ve become obsessed, preoccupied, and robbed of our freedom.

It’s normal to spend time thinking about and doing those things that matter to us. In fact, because of the importance we’re willing to invest more than enough time and energy into it.

But there is a fine line between more than enough and too much.

And if we’re not careful, it’s easy to become obsessed and preoccupied with the things of our life. These things can be deeply meaningful, but still must be kept in their proper place.

We no longer enjoy true freedom when we become addicted to or hyperfocused on certain thoughts, feelings, or actions.

For example, it’s good to focus on and diligently plan for our financial future. But becoming obsessed with our retirement account or preoccupied with how much we earn or spend robs us of abundant living elsewhere.

We have a responsibility to grow in sexual maturity. But being overly consumed by our frequency or expanding our repertoire distracts us from the goodness and beauty already available.

Likewise, while we were created for relationships and need each other to thrive, when we idolize a person or relationship we only set ourselves up for perpetual disappointment. Our unrealistic expectations block our ability to freely receive what they genuinely have to offer.

We will invest in those things important to us, and maybe even more than enough.

And it’s okay if others don’t share our same values or priorities on what we believe matters.

However, we must occasionally check our own heart. Are we spending too much time and energy focused on the object of our attention?

In the end, our desperate preoccupations leave us anxious, frustrated and alone.

Intensely focus on what matters without shortchanging your freedom to enjoy the rest of your life and relationships.

Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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