It is true, no one knows the burden you bear – at least not fully. Your story is unique, with its own distinct blend of struggles. But you are not alone. There is a shared experienced available.
Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash
Because our challenges are unique, we are tempted to believe no one else can truly understand what we are going through. And maybe we don’t even understand it ourselves?
As such, sharing with others does not seem promising. What’s the point if we can’t understand each other?
However, while our struggles are our own, if we listen deeper, we will often discover a shared experience with others.
We all have core desires relatable to each other.
For example, the desire for significance – to do work that matters – and the desire for intimacy – to be seen, heard, and understood in the deepest parts of our soul.
The particulars of our life might be different, but the core longings of our heart are often very similar.
For instance, the man struggling to discover his purpose and the man wrestling to earn a living once his purpose has been found are both after the same thing.
They both share the experience of wanting to have a positive impact on the world around them.
Likewise, there is also a shared experienced between the guy on a first date and the one who has been married for 30 years.
Both men desire a deeper connection of love and intimacy with another.
This is not to equate a first date with 30 years of marriage, nor the college student finding his major with the father trying to support his growing family.
Each stage of our journey does require something different of us.
At the same time, we are not as alone as we often assume.
When we go beyond surface appearances, we have much in common with other men.
There is a shared masculine experience if we are willing to see it, learn from it, and allow it to push us toward our potential.
Take the time to go deeper. You may be surprised to discover many shared desires and moments of – What! You too?