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There is undeniable power in the looks we give and receive. To see and acknowledge something actively affirms its reality. And we need those who can and will faithfully witness our story.

A witness sees and is able to provide evidence that something has taken place.

This does not change the facts of what happened, but it does help to validate the experience and name it as real.

In fact, in a court of law, witnesses have the power to make or break a case by testifying to what they’ve seen. The validity of a story is given greater weight through the presence of a witness.

And the same is true for us.

Often we’re reluctant to share our story because we know it won’t change the facts. The burdens we’re called to face will still be there.

But there is something mysterious and powerful in someone seeing our story. A witness affirms that it exists and that it matters by their mere presence and willingness to see.

None of the facts change and we’re still responsible for all that is ours to do. But we also receive an affirmation and blessing when someone truly sees our efforts.

This gives our story meaning and encourages us to keep showing up.

And often a witness sees things in our story we miss ourselves. Graciously revealing our blind spots allows us to address issues and grow into the best version of ourselves.

For someone to witness our story we must drop our masks and let them in. And part of our duty is to also be a faithful witness to them.

It’s soul crushing when we’re not seen.

Allow the power of a witness to bless your story. And learn to bless others as well.

Photo by David Billings on Unsplash

Dr. Corey Carlisle

Licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist - providing Christian counseling and soul care to individuals and couples, with a special emphasis on developing the masculine soul. Suwanee, GA 30024

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