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Better me, better us – Fight for your relationships. And remember the best way to do this is often through your own growth and transformation.
Naked and without shame – At its best, sex allows for regular moments to put off the stresses and burdens we carry in everyday life and gain a glimpse of the divine ecstasy we so deeply long for – a moment to be naked and without shame as we were in our original glory.
Sexual worldview – There’s more to our sexuality than what we’ve often considered. Take the time to develop your sexual worldview – understanding why it exists, its meaning, standards, and the story God is telling through it.
True ecstasy – Resist the cheap displays wherever they’re found. But learn to also cultivate true ecstasy. Its power opens the door for much life, goodness, and beauty to break through.
Revisiting sexual faithfulness – By all means, diligently put to death your past sexual sins. And remember faithfulness also includes now discovering and fully engaging who God has created you to be as a sexual man.
Sexual potential – Enjoy the different seasons of your sex life. And keep discovering the more. Don’t settle and miss all the potential God still has for you.
Our sexual shadows – Protect the sanctity and privacy of your sexual story. And be willing also to bring those hidden areas out of the shadows and into the light with your trusted others.
A case for sexual discipleship – Your sexuality should not be divorced from the rest of your life in Christ. And sexual discipleship calls for you to bring the fullness of your sexual self to your life with God – drawing closer to him and reflecting more of his glory in the world.
Vanilla is a flavor – The flavor of your sexual encounter doesn’t matter as much as the heart you bring to it. And it’s okay to enjoy vanilla in its own right when it’s an expression of your deep heart.
Pace setters – Consider the pace setters in your life. Are they keeping you on track to where you want to go? Or is it time to find others who can help you accomplish God’s best for your life?
Honorable Mention
Craving substance – Don’t settle for the empty calories of life. Intentionally cultivate and feed your soul with meaningful truth, goodness, and beauty. This gives you the substance you need to thrive throughout your life and relationships.
Please understand me – The human soul longs to be understood. Stay curious in knowing yourself and each other – tempering a bit more of the loneliness we all experience.
Unfinished symphonies – Learn to accept you won’t finish every symphony your heart wants to write. But faithfully add a few more notes every day.
Permission to be free – Christ has set you free. Give yourself permission to live in this freedom as often as necessary. This is the path of maturity and gratitude for all God has done for you.
In honor of Dr. Doug Rosenau (1947 – 2022)
Righteous flirting – God has created us as males and females. And righteous flirting is simply a way to affirm, bless, and enjoy this dance of the sexes he has given us.
Best of any year
Unapologetically Sexual – We often forget God is the one who designed the male sex drive. It is a picture of his passionate and unrelenting desire for each of us
Palpable love – It’s not enough to know we are loved. We want to feel and experience love. It’s this palpable love that communicates the depth and sincerity of our love.
Questioning traditions – Traditions are clues into our story and must be questioned to discover the truths they contain. What does it mean to hold to this tradition?